Disaster Prep: Operating Guidelines & Procedures

Disaster Preparedness Committee
Operating Guidelines and Procedures
(Revision is in development)

  1. Committee Name
    1. The name of this committee is the Disaster Preparedness Committee (“Committee”) of the Pt. San Pedro Road Coalition ( “Coalition”).
  2. Committee Purpose
    1. To have a representation on the Committee from each of the HOAs on the Pt. San Pedro Road corridor.
    2. Coordinate disaster preparedness events, training and information distribution among the residents and associations within the Coalition’s sphere of influence.
    3. Assist associations with the establishment of disaster preparedness teams and the supplying of stockpiles.
    4. Act as the liaison between the Coalition, the City of San Rafael and Marin County regarding disaster preparedness activities.
    5. Act on behalf of communities along Pt. San Pedro Road regarding concerns and issues brought to the Committee related to disaster preparedness.
    6. Bring to the attention of the City and County any issues related to identified disaster risks within the Coalition’s sphere of influence.
    7. Provide timely information to the community on events, information and issues related to disaster preparedness. This information will be provided via postings on the Coalition website, using the Coalition email list, and any other means of communications that is deemed appropriate.
  3. Committee Officers
    1. The officers of the Committee shall consist of a Chair or Co-chairs (“Chair”) and any other officers that the Chair deems necessary.
    2. The Chair shall be appointed by the Coalition Board. The remaining officers, if any, shall be appointed by the Chair.
    3. A Chair may resign by written notice to the Coalition Board.
    4. If a Chair resigns or is removed by the Coalition Board, the Board shall appoint a replacement.
    5. The duties of the Chair are:
      1. Call Committee meetings, set meeting agendas and preside over those meetings.
      2. Define the requirements for, and appoint, other Committee officers.
      3. Define the duties of any additional officers.
      4. Identify and approve Committee Members.
  4. Committee Membership
    1. The Committee shall consist of a Chair and a minimum of 2 Committee Members (“Member”).
    2. Membership is open to all who are interested but requires the approval of the Chair.
    3. Membership may be revoked by the Chair or by a vote of two-thirds of the Members.
    4. A Member may resign from the Committee at any time by a verbal or written notice to the Chair.
    5. It is understood that this Committee is a voluntary association of its Members and does not legally bind any Member to its actions or the financial obligations of the Pt. San Pedro Road Coalition.
  5. Committee Meetings
    1. A Committee meeting shall be convened under one of the following conditions:
      1. A meeting is called by the Chair.
      2. A meeting is called by 2 members of the Committee.
    2. A quorum of the Committee is present at a Committee meeting when more than 50% of the Members are present at that meeting.
    3. A vote of the majority of Members at a Committee meeting at which a quorum is present is sufficient to pass motions.
    4. A meeting may be conducted with Members present in person or by conference call.
  6. Relationship to the Coalition
    1. The Committee is subordinate to, and reports to, the Coalition Board.
    2. All funds related to the Committee shall be maintained in Coalition accounts and managed by the Coalition Treasurer.
    3. By a majority vote, the Coalition Board may override any action of the Committee, including appointment of officers.
    4. The Chair, or a representative of the Chair, shall report any proposed Committee action to the Coalition Board in a timely manner.
    5. The Committee must have Coalition Board approval prior to taking any action that requires solicitation of funds, expenditure of funds, or might jeopardize the tax-exempt status of the Coalition or implicates significant matters of policy.
  7. Modification of the Rules and Operating Procedures
    1. These Operating Guidelines and Procedures shall be amended or modified only by the Coalition Board.
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