Vaux Swifts Migration Webinar

WHEN: September 23, 2020
TIME: 5:30 PM
WHERE: McNear Brickyard by way of online Zoom Webinar
Cost: The webinar is free but please consider making a donation to the Marin Audubon Society at:

The Vaux Swifts are back!  Each September and early October,  these small, crescent shaped birds visit San Rafael by the thousands.  This species, pronounced “Vawks,” historically roosted communally in large, hollow trees. With the limited availability of such trees along this stretch of their southward migration route from the Pacific Northwest to Central America,they now take advantage of similar manmade structures such as the unused chimneys at San Rafael’s McNear Brickyard off Point San Pedro Road.  Join us virtually to learn more about this phenomenon that takes place right in our own neighborhood with Audubon guide, Rich Cimino.

SPEAKER: Rich Cimino, Audubon Society

Rich has been birding in Northern California for 54 years. His other interests include photography, citizen science, habitat conservation, sustainable-organic gardening and eco-tourism.  For the past 22 years he has led bird tours in North America, Central America and Europe through his company, Yellowbilled Tours (  Currently, Rich volunteers his services to the Marin Audubon Society in various capacities including the planning and leading of Audubon tours throughout California.  Rich and his partner Janet Bodie have been surveyors of the Great Blue Heron rookery along the Point San Pedro wetlands.

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