Comments on Draft Addendum to SRRQ 2009 Final EIR

The SPR Coalition’s comments regarding concerns about impacts of extending mining and reclamation for an additional 20 years, and those of several environmental organizations, are posted below.  The comments were submitted to Marin County with regard to whether the recently released Draft Addendum to the Quarry’s 2009 Final EIR adequately addresses environmental issues. We encourage interested members of the public to read these comments and to submit their own comments on the Draft Addendum. Information on that addendum and the text of the addendum can be found on a previous post titled “S.R. Rock Quarry EIR Addendum to Extend Mining Released for Public Review”

Here are the texts of the submitted comments:

Pt. San Pedro Road Coalition

Marin Audubon Society

Marin Conservation League

Point Blue Conservation Science

Sierra Club, Marin County Group

Comments may be be submitted in advance of the hearing before the Board of Supervisors which is expected to take place in early November.  Submit comments to:

Ms. Rachel Reid
Environmental Planning Manager
Marin County Community Development Agency
3501 Civic Center Drive, Room 308
San Rafael, CA 94903

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