We had a great turnout for, and lots of positive feedback about, our Training Workshop last Saturday for HOA and Disaster Prep Leaders (see photo). The invaluable information presented by Quinn Gardner and other speakers will help us to take the next steps forward in our efforts to organize neighborhoods and Firewise communities to meet the challenges of various disasters.
Many of us felt the 4.5 recent earthquake and were reminded that the potential of such disasters is very real and we need to get ready now! Of course, the past week of power cutoffs underscored how vulnerable we are to both fires and utility disruptions. We have much work ahead of us to meet these challenges.
At our workshop, we formed the following focus groups to address many community wide issues:
- Evacuation and Communication: mapping neighborhoods, identification of retreat areas, special need individuals, animal care
- Supply Staging: water, food, and medical
- Medical Services: commitment of medical professions, Cert training, temporary medical aid centers
- Community Resources: city services, grocery markets, yacht clubs, S.R. Rock Quarry, churches, schools, businesses, parks
- Fire Prevention: Firewise certification, homeowner education, government support
- Utilities: PG&E, water, sewer, drainage pumps