Disaster Prep Fundraising Kickoff

We Need Your Support—Please Contribute Now!

Our Disaster Preparedness Committee is kicking-off our next fund-raising effort. We need to raise an additional $12,000 to complete the purchase of our first disaster response trailer and purchase a second one to assist our community during a wildfire, earthquake, flood or other possible emergency.

With the generosity of donations by residents and a county grant, we recently purchased more than $9,000 dollars worth of disaster relief and medical supplies. The quick response of trained volunteers and medical teams to assist the Pt. San Pedro Road corridor will depend on the mobility of our stored medical and rescue equipment.

Our new supplies, and some purchased years ago with funds from a county grant, can equip two trailers to store in different locations in our community and mobilize in the event of an emergency. Similar trailers are now in other Marin communities.

San Rafael has experienced several wildfires this year. A fire that required evacuations was located in the Dominican neighborhood. Our community borders China Camp State Park and parkland, making us vulnerable to a wildfire. A major earthquake could also render our area inaccessible. We may need to be self-sustaining for weeks before outside aid arrives. 

Please donate NOW so we can meet our $12,000 goal. 
To make a donation, please go to the Coalition website’s Donate page. Or mail your check, payable to the Point San Pedro Road Coalition: 
Pt. San Pedro Road Coalition
PO Box 449, 369B Third Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
Indicate on the donate page, or on your check, that your donation is for the Disaster Preparedness Fund. 

For more information about our Disaster Preparedness Program, or this fundraising effort, email our Chair, john@Lenser.com. There is more info on our Disaster Prep pages of the Coalition’s website. 

Contributions to the PSPR Coalition are tax-deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code.