On Monday April 19, 2021, the Coalition’s Marina Committee (Committee) conducted its monthly meeting with the various agencies and entities involved in The Village at Loch Lomond Marina development. This meeting was held as a Zoom video conference.
Meeting Attendees Description and Abbreviations
The Pt. San Pedro Road Coalition’s Marina Oversight Committee: represents the general community, including the surrounding subdivisions and The Strand HOA.
S.R. Community Development Department (CDD): is the City agency responsible for, among other things, the management of planning processes, issuance of development permits and overseeing the subsequent construction.
S.R. Dept. of Public Works (DPW): is the City agency responsible for infrastructure planning, construction and maintenance. This includes roads, utilities and public spaces.
The Village at Loch Lomond Marina Master Association (VLLMMA): is the overall entity that represents all owners of parcels within the Village at Loch Lomond Marina and owns some of the public access parcels within the development.
Safe Harbor Marinas (SHM): is the owner of the marina and marina-related parcels.
Trumark Homes: is the owner of the undeveloped/unsold residential parcels in The Strand as well as the parcel at the corner of Loch Lomond Drive and Pt. San Pedro Road currently containing the commercial building
Marina Village Associates (MVA): was the owner of the undeveloped/unsold residential parcels but has sold those parcels to Trumark Homes. However, MVA retains some responsibility for completion of work on some of the public access parcels along the waterfront.
Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC):is the California agency charted with protecting and enhancing San Francisco Bay and encouraging the Bay’s responsible and productive use for this and future generations. As such, they have shoreline responsibilities that includes much of the Loch Lomond Marina.
Following is a summary report on the items discussed at this meeting:
The most interesting discussion at this meeting did not directly relate to the agenda items. It involved the sale by Marina Village Associates (MVA) of all the remaining parcels it owns to Trumark Homes. This includes all the undeveloped and/or unsold parcels within The Strand and the parcel currently containing the commercial building on the corner of Loch Lomond Drive and Pt. San Pedro Road. This sale closed at the end of the preceding week. Much of the discussion centered around the “what next” questions as to Trumark’s plans. All such plans are tentative as they are just getting their hands on the current status, permits, previous plans, etc. The summary of their input is included in the Residential Housing discussion item below.
Fuel Dock: There continues to be a delay getting final clearance from the Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE). MVA anticipates that they will have this delay cleared by Spring or early Summer 2021.
Harbormaster’s Office: SHM is reconsidering the final configuration and use of this building, and is in discussions with Andy (Andy’s Market) regarding the altered use of the footprint that would still accommodate a café component. SHM hopes to have a final revision to CDD for review and permit approval as needed fairly soon. It is unclear as to what the result of these discussions will be and whether it can still accommodate a café.
Kayak Dock (between Yacht Club and Boat Launch Ramp): MVA stated that BCDC has approved the redesigned dock and are awaiting RWQCB and ACOE approvals, but are expecting those approvals shortly. MVA stated that the dock will be delivered mostly constructed and require only a few days to install.
Kayak Launch Ramp (at the Breakwater connector): BCDC has approved the modified ramp design, and RWQCB and ACOE approvals remain the only obstacles to proceeding with the work on both this ramp and the breakwater connector and east jetty work (see below). MVA feels confident that it will obtain these final approval in the near future.
Breakwater Connector & East Jetty (playground) Flooding: The primary delay in starting this work is tied to the approval of the kayak launch ramp changes (see above). MVA stated that they continue to target starting work on 7/5/21 and completion by 11/1/21 before king tide season. Due to COVID restrictions and upcoming construction, the playground will remain closed. It is intended that all facilities would open at the end of construction targeted for November 2021.
Residential Housing and Muli-Use Building Construction: With the sale of these parcels to Trumark Homes, discussion turned to their representative at the meeting. He stated that the first order of business is to finalize any permit approvals and construction questions, remove the surcharge dirt, and install building pads and utility hookups. Trumark Homes is hoping to have this work begin in the next two weeks, with dirt removal taking about four weeks and the remainder completed by mid-July at which time vertical construction will begin. There were discussions regarding dirt removal procedures, truck routes on the property and dust suppression methods. The plans for the replacement of the commercial building with a mixed-use building (commercial on first floor, condo on second floor) are being finalized. Meanwhile, the existing tenants are vacating the premises as of May 1.
Marina Utility Building: Previously called the Boat Repair Facility, it is being renamed as it is highly unlikely that boat repair will be its ultimate use due to economic limitations. Storage and other uses are under consideration.
Street Signage: In addition to the street signs on the signal poles at the signaled intersection of Pt. San Pedro Road and Loch Lomond Drive, DPW has also agreed to mount Loch Lomond Drive signs on the poles in the medians approaching this intersection from east and west, adding to the Lochinvar signs that are already there. DPW stated that they expect to have the additional signs in place in the next two weeks.