Loch Lomond Marina Update

The monthly meeting of the Coalition’s Marina Committee (Committee) with the various agencies and entities involved in The Village at Loch Lomond Marina development was held by Zoom on Monday, May 16, 2022.

The following text references various Village owners, governmental agencies, companies and other entities, often by acronym. A detailed description of these entities can be found on The Village-Who’s Who page.

Following is a summary report on the items covered by reports at this meeting:

Harbormaster’s Office: SHM has submitted a permit extension request to BCDC which expired last year. However, BCDC still requires design and plan documentation before an extension can be approved, and relevant permits from CDD must be obtained before construction can proceed.

Residential Housing Construction:  Trumark Homes reported that construction well underway with all permits issued with the exception of the parcel currently housing the sales office. Construction of the residences are projected to be completed by the end of 1Q2023.

Breakwater Connector & East Jetty (playground) Flooding, Kayak Ramp at Connector: This construction work is intended to mitigate the flooding problems on the connector between the parking area and the breakwater and on the playground jetty, and is mandated by BCDC and S.R. Included in this work is the construction of a kayak launch ramp at the beginning of the connector near the parking area. The work can only proceed during a limited time window due to king tides, high tide lines, breeding seasons and other restrictions. A mandated 2-week bird nesting survey, conducted just prior to starting construction, began on May 16. Construction will start on Wednesday, June 1 with the work continuing through November.  Once the construction starts, the breakwater and the playground jetty will be fenced and inaccessible until construction is completed. MVA has posted signage to this effect at the entrances to the connector and playground areas.

Kayak Dock (between Yacht Club and Boat Launch Ramp): MVA stated that Mid-Cal Construction has neared completion of the fabrication of the dock.  However, there is a supply delay for the dock floats which may take as much as an addition 10 weeks to obtain. Once the floats are received, rapid installation of the dock is expected.

Mixed Use Building: MVA continues to search for a buyer for this parcel.

Loch Lomond Drive Parking/Traffic: Speed limit signage and signage and parking for the parking slots reserved for the live-aboards will be installed/striped this coming week. Re-striping will also be done for crosswalks as well as repositioning stop signs and stop bar stripes. Some spaces will be marked off for use as a temporary construction staging area for the breakwater and playground jetty work. Speed cushions are planned but will be postponed until all construction is completed. There is still a decision to be made regarding stickers or rear-view-mirror parking placards for the assigned live-aboard vehicle parking as well as determining parking enforcement procedures for all of the parking slots along Loch Lomond Drive.

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