On Monday March 21, 2016, the Coalition’s Marina Committee met with the S.R. Community Development Department and S.R. Dept. of Public Works (DPW) for our regular monthly review of the developments at The Village at Loch Lomond Marina. The public is encouraged to communicate with the Marina Committee using the Contact the Marina Committee form to raise any issues or concerns so that they may be brought to the City’s attention.
The following items were discussed:
- Boat Refueling Dock: There is some information that the developer considers this to be a low priority and has intimated that it may not be re-opened. The approved permits call for a “full service marina” which has been assumed to include a fueling dock for marina boats, day-use launched boats and others as was available prior to the construction. The S.R. Community Development Department is concerned and feels the lack of a fueling dock is contrary to the intent of the marina development approvals. It is likely that other agencies will have to be involved, including BCDC, in the resolution of this issue. If the community wishes to weigh in, the developer’s contact is John Arvin, VP Woodbridge Capital Partners (john@woodridgecapital.com, 310-924-2200).
- Restaurant/Harbormaster’s Office: The restaurant (combined with the Harbormaster’s Office) will be sited between Andy’s Market and the Yacht Club but will be physically separate from the Yacht Club. The current plan is to begin building after Andy’s Market is completed (see Andy’s Market status below). However, it should be noted that the current plans do not call for a kitchen in this “restaurant”. Andy, of Andy’s Market, is applying to run this restaurant, and if he succeeds, the kitchen in the market will provide that facility. However, if he fails to gain that contract or later ceases to continue it, it is unclear to what use this building might be put, but it couldn’t be a restaurant without a kitchen.
- Flooding on the central jetty: The developer has been tasked to do an elevation survey to justify the current grades versus what was specified in the permits. There is no question the current grade is lower than original plans but the questions is whether the existing grade meets the original intent regarding flooding. The City intends to hold the developer to a set timeline for the grade level evaluation report. In any case, final approval and return of bonded funds related to the central jetty will be held until at least the end of the next winter season to see what happens regarding flooding. However, the Coalition continues to have concern about flooding that would occur when there is both high tide and heavy rain or during storm surges. With the gates closed, rainwater and storm surge water will pool in this area until the tide abates. The Committee has raised the issue of damage and contamination of playground equipment over time and the risks that poses to children and others.
- Flooding on the eastern spit/jetty leading to the breakwater: No resolution has yet been devised for this flooding which occurs at very high tides, heavy rains or storm surges, all of which overrun this area. The City representatives are equally concerned and are working with the developer and BCDC to resolve the problem, which remains a “work-in-progress.” The City has stated that developer-provided security funds related to the eastern spit/jetty will be held to ensure that any resolution to these flooding problems is effective.
- Trashcans, Dog Regulation Signage and Doggie Bags: The City stated that additional trash cans and signage will be installed and some additional doggie bag stations have already been installed.
- Western Spit/Jetty: Final walkthrough and approval is expected in the next 3 weeks. Some clean up of rebar and pipe debris in the riprap on the western edge will be done.
- Pt. San Pedro Road/Lochinvar/Loch Lomond Drive Intersection: The two cuts in Pt. San Pedro Road near the current entrance to Andy’s Market, providing gas service to the development, should be completed shortly and will be repaved along with the intersection at the light. This will be done in the spring at the same time as the rest of Point San Pedro Road (Quarry entrance to Biscayne) is repaved. The treatment of the intersection of Lochinvar and Bonnie Banks/Locksley, which was also trenched, is still unresolved, and the Committee has asked for a response from the Public Works Department.
- Andy’s Market: The original permits for the foundation allowed for two methods of creating the foundation for this building: drilled piers or a “floating mat-type” foundation. The developer has chosen the latter method, so there will be no drilling or pounding of piers. That work has begun and the building is planned for completion in October, 2016. The interior plans are currently under review by the appropriate City departments and Andy is projecting a November 2016 opening.
- Temporary Power Lines: Power to the new lighting in the parking area, on the boardwalk and to the boat docks was delayed by PG&E and no new dates were provided for the removal of the temporary poles.
- In-Road Drainage Dip: The severe dip in the roadway drain near pier G-H exceeds the planned specifications and will be repaired.
- Wetlands: Most work has been completed, however signage is still to be installed and some fence adjustments are needed. A bird viewing station is planned and has not yet been installed. The white irrigation pipes needed for restoration will likely remain for several years.