In the aftermath of devastating firestorms across California, neighborhood efforts to develop disaster plans have become an imperative. More than ever, there is an awareness that disasters will happen in Marin. We just don’t know what will happen or when it will occur, so advanced preparation is vital. For over 15 years, our Disaster Preparedness Committee has encouraged local residents and homeowner associations to personally prepare, volunteer and donate to prepare our community for disasters including fires, earthquakes, and floods.
The corridor is unique in that a single road for access extends from San Rafael High School on one end to China Camp on the other. Depending on the type of disaster, the road is likely to become impassable at both ends due to liquefaction, flooding, landslides, and traffic congestion necessitating our communities to be self-sufficient in a disaster for an extended period. The area has only one fire station with limited personnel. In addition to preparing your family and home to avoid disaster damage, you can participate in several of our committee’s work groups:
- Training: Host “One Hour to Get Ready”, Community Emergency Response (CERT), and Lifesaving Skills classes.
- Community Preparedness: Support Neighborhood Response Groups (NRG’s) & Firewise Programs.
- Evacuation & Refuge: Provide information about evacuation and refuge in collaboration with San Rafael and County fire departments; stage triage and rescue supplies in mobile trailers and other strategic locations along the corridor.
- Community Resources: Encourage select markets, pharmacies, gas stations, and other resources to remain open or responsive during power outages and disasters.
- Defensible Space & Home Hardening: Encourage residents to create defensible space around their homes; improve the home’s defenses against fire embers; host weed pulls to remove fire prone invasive species.

Much progress has been made in each of these areas including the purchase of a disaster response trailer and limited supplies. More supplies and equipment are needed that can be purchased with your donations.
To volunteer or for more information fill out the Disaster Prep Contact page or email the committee chair at To donate, go to the Donate page to contribute via PayPal, credit card or by mail. Be sure to indicate your donation is for the Disaster Preparedness Fund.
For more on how you can personally prepare yourself, your family and your home in advance and during a disaster, review the information provided below:
Preparation & Response
It is critical that every household and community is prepared for power outages, vegetation fires that may necessitate evacuation, large earthquakes, floods, and other disasters. Listed here are some reference sites that can provide individual homeowners and Homeowner Associations with extremely important information and guidance in preparing households and communities for a variety of emergencies.
- City of San Rafael Emergency Preparedness
- One Hour 2 Get Ready Video of on-line class (English)
- One Hour 2 Get Ready Video of on-line class (Spanish)
- Ready Marin Plan & Prepare
- Red Cross Preparedness
- FEMA guide – Are You Ready?
- California Volunteers for Disasters
Personal Actions Before Disaster Strikes
- Family Disaster Plan Template (PDF)
- Gather Disaster Supplies
- Create an Evacuation Plan
- Prepare for Wildfire – Defensible Space Planning
- Prepare Yourself – More from FIRESafe Marin
- Participate in Ready Marin’s Get Ready Training
- Sign up for Local Emergency Notification Systems
During a Disaster
- Dial 211 to get current information
- Follow guidance from local emergency notification systems
- Follow your evacuation plan if directed to evacuate
- Do not evacuate if guidance is to shelter in place