Disaster Preparedness Appeal Update

In an effort to increase our community’s readiness to respond in the event of a disaster, on March 2nd, the Pt. San Pedro Road Coalition pledged to match up to $3,500 in contributions to purchase emergency supplies that will be stored at evacuation sites in our community.

I am pleased to report that to date, we have received or have pledges totaling $3,600!  So, we have reached our first goal of matching the Coalitions funds giving us a sum of $7,600.  Thank you to everyone who has contributed!

However, our second goal is to take this amount up to $10,000.  We plan to apply for a $10,000 grant from the County of Marin to help us in our effort to expand our disaster supplies.  The County gives preference to applicants who have raised 50% in community contributions for each grant dollar.  The deadline for turning in our grant application is March 31st. Therefore, it is critical that we receive another $2,400 by the end of the month! 

The Disaster Preparedness Committee has put much effort into creating a list of medical and survival supplies that that can be stored in several locations in our community, the cost of which exceeds $20,000.  So, if we can raise more funds, all the better.  

I am asking you to please donate NOW!  First we had the power outages this past summer (which could continue this coming summer) and now we have the Corona Virus.  Disasters do happen!  We need to be prepared ahead of time for a fire, earthquake, flood or whatever might befall us. 

Go to our website’s Donate page. Indicate your donation is for the Disaster Preparedness Fund.  Or, mail your check, payable to the Point San Pedro Road Coalition, to:

Pt. San Pedro Road Coalition
PO Box 449, 369B Third Street
San Rafael, CA 94901

Indicate on your check that your donation is to be used for our Disaster Preparedness Fund.

For more information about our Disaster Preparedness Committee, or this fundraising effort, please email me at John@Lenser.com.

Thank you,
John Lenser, Committee Chairperson

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