S.R. Police Dept Changes Notification System

The San Rafael Police Department has made changes in the way they send press releases, newsletters, and emergency alert notifications.

If you are subscribed to their press release or newsletter notifications, you do not need to do anything. Your email address has been imported to the new system.  The notifications will now come from “CityofSanRafael@public.govdelivery.com”.

If you are subscribed to their emergency notification list, please sign up for Nixle (http://local.nixle.com/register) and “Alert Marin” (http://www.alertmarin.org – also see previous posting on September 23, 2015). You will no longer receive emergency alerts to your email address without signing up for one or more of the above services.

If you have already signed up for Nixle and Alert Marin, you do not need to re-register.

If you have any questions, please contact Alex Holm at alex.holm@srpd.org.

San Rafael Police Department
1400 Fifth Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 485-3000

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