Loch Lomond Marina Playground Update

A question that the Coalition’s Marina Oversight Committee has been receiving with increased frequency is, “When will the work be completed so that the playground can open?”

That seems to be the million dollar question. As far as the City (Dept of Public Works-DPW) is concerned, the handicap ramp at the playground needs what they call “kick plates” to keep wheelchair wheels from going off the edge plus a couple of other minor items. Ghilotti Construction has ordered the plates and hopes to have them installed sometime in September. 

However, the developer ultimately responsible (Marina Village Associates LLC-MVA) for the completion and public access application has been completely silent as to their plans. While DPW is ready to move forward, it is also unclear if that request to open to the public has to be approved by BCDC as well. The Coalition’s Marina Oversight Committee is continuing to push both MVA and DPW on these items in hopes of finally getting the playground open. Unfortunately, a timetable cannot be determined at this point and there seems to be no leverage that can be applied to MVA short of calling the bond that DPW holds on MVA.

The Marina Committee wishes it could provide more hopeful news. The short answer to the original question is: two weeks to several months!

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