Loch Lomond Marina Update

On Monday September 21, 2020, the Coalition’s Marina Committee (Committee) met with the S.R. Community Development Department (CDD) and S.R. Dept. of Public Works (DPW) for our regular monthly review of the developments at The Village at Loch Lomond Marina (the residential portion is called “The Strand”). [NOTE:With the sale of the marina and related assets, there are now two owner/developers involved in this property; Marina Village Associates (MVA) for The Strand, and Safe Harbor Marinas (SHM) for the marina and related assets.] Also attending were representatives from SHM who plan on being a regular participant in these monthly meetings. This meeting was held as a Zoom video conference.

SHM has stated that they intend to aggressively complete the outstanding development items related to the marina property. Since they only recently bought the property, they are still “revving up” to accomplish that objective. Meanwhile, a high priority project has become apparent regarding the state of the pilings on the marina docks. The repair of these pilings is SHM’s immediate priority. Meanwhile, MVA has made it clear that they do not intend to complete the pending development of The Strand. Their priority is finding a buyer who will take on that responsibility. With that in mind, the meeting focused on the work being done to complete the marina-related items, some of which remains the responsibility of MVA as part of the sale agreement with SHM.

With the absence of BCDC at this meeting and no progress report provided by them, there was no status on the progress of the various BCDC permit amendments and pending permits. Any information was gleaned by inference from SHM and/or CDD.

Dock Pilings: The deteriorated condition of many (over 60) of the dock pilings necessitates immediate remediation by SHM. This is their highest priority, and they plan on completing this work before winter. To that end, SHM has submitted necessary applications to BCDC, the Army Corp of Engineers, the San Francisco Bay Water Quality Review Board and the San Rafael Community Development Department. Their plan is to receive the required permits by October 1 and begin the work by October 5.

Fuel Dock and Fuel Storage Facility: BCDC is still awaiting a water quality certification from the Bay Area Water Quality Review Board (WQRB) before approving MVA’s permit amendment request. SHM has agreed to inquire with the WQRB as to the cause of the delay in their approval. However, SHM has cautioned that logistics and financial viability issues remain as to when they might implement this facility. It is not mandated by the San Rafael permits.

San Rafael Building Permits: Permits are pending for the Harbormaster’s Office, the Yacht Club re-facing and the boat repair facility. It is SHM’s intention to pursue the construction of these properties once the dock pilings repair has been completed.

Flooding Remediation on the Breakwater Connector and Playground: BCDC has requested some clarifications on MVA’s construction plans before work may begin. The kayak launch ramp at the north end of the connector will require a BCDC permit amendment from MVA due to measurable changes in the original plans. However, this documentation has not yet bee provided by MVA. MVA retains responsibility for this work in accordance with the sales agreement with SHM.

Kayak Dock: In addition to the kayak launch ramp at the connector, there will also be a kayak dock located between the Yacht Club and the boat launch ramp. The design of that dock has been approved by all parties but requires MVA to submit plans to BCDC for approval. That has not yet happened.

Residential Construction: As stated earlier, no progress is expected in the completion of The Strand or in the multi-use building that will replace the buildings where the dry cleaners and medical offices are located. MVA has stated that their intent is to sell these undeveloped properties to a buyer who would complete that work. No potential buyer has been identified.

Path Lighting: The lack of path lighting from the west end of the Marina Green to the west jetty parking and the border with San Pedro Cove HOA is becoming problematic as evening darkness begins earlier. Power for these bollards is to come from the yet-to-be-built Harbormaster’s office. If that proves to be measurably delayed, possible temporary lighting could be installed and will be investigate.

Street Signage: There is no street sign for Loch Lomond Drive at the corner of Loch Lomond Drive and Pt. San Pedro Road. This same roadway on the north side of the intersection is named Lochinvar. Street signs will be placed in the medians to the east and west of the intersection identifying the street name in each direction (Lochinvar to the north, Loch Lomond Drive to the south). The Lochinvar signs are already there.

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