Loch Lomond Marina Update

On Monday March 15, 2021, the Coalition’s Marina Committee (Committee) conducted its monthly meeting with the various agencies and entities involved in The Village at Loch Lomond Marina development. This meeting was held as a Zoom video conference.

Meeting Attendees Description and Abbreviations

The Pt. San Pedro Road Coalition’s Marina Oversight Committee: represents the general community, including the surrounding subdivisions, The Strand HOA and the Village at Loch Lomond Marina Association (VLLMA).

The Village at Loch Lomond Marina Association (VLLMA): is the overall entity that represents all owners of parcels within the Village at Loch Lomond Marina and owns some of the public access parcels within the development. 

S.R. Community Development Department (CDD): is the City agency responsible for, among other things, the management of planning processes, issuance of development permits and overseeing the subsequent construction.

S.R. Dept. of Public Works (DPW): is the City agency responsible for infrastructure planning, construction and maintenance. This includes roads, utilities and public spaces.

Safe Harbor Marinas (SHM): is the owner of the marina and marina-related parcels. 

Marina Village Associates (MVA): is the owner of the undeveloped/unsold residential parcels and retains some responsibility for completion of work on some of the public access parcels.

Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC):is the California agency charted with protecting and enhancing San Francisco Bay and encouraging the Bay’s responsible and productive use for this and future generations. As such, they have shoreline responsibilities that includes much of the Loch Lomond Marina.

Following is a summary report on the items discussed at this meeting:

Fuel Dock: The Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) has cleared this permit and the BCDC is poised to give its approval. There continues to be a delay with Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE) approval. MVA anticipates that they will have this delay cleared by Spring or early Summer 2021. However, SHM stated that construction of this facility is lower on their priority list than other projects within the marina that need to be addressed first.

Harbormaster’s Office: SHM plans to begin construction ithis spring. However, SHM is reconsidering the final configuration and use of this building in regard to the proposed restaurant. SHM stated that in light of the current services at Andy’s Market which provides much of that same function, other configurations for this space are under consideration. They said they were in discussions with Andy Bachich (Andy’s Market) to determine if some limited food service feature can be economically included that would integrate with Andy’s Market. The results of SHM’s planning will likely require changes in the permit to be issued by CDD.

Yacht Club Re-facing: SHM said they would do this work in conjunction with the Harbormaster’s Office construction. BCDC has approved the permit but CDD is not yet issued the building permit.

Kayak Dock (between Yacht Club and Boat Launch Ramp): BCDC is still awaiting some addition documentation from MVA before approval. MVA stated that they planned on completing this project by 11/1/21 barring any unforeseen delays.

Kayak Launch Ramp (at the Breakwater connector): The ramp was originally included in BCDC’s Permit Amendment #5. However, changes in the Breakwater Connector configuration to resolve flooding problems (see next item) has necessitated changes in the launch ramp. BCDC has approved these changes but RWQCB and ACOE approvals remain the only remaining obstacles to proceeding with the work on both this ramp and the breakwater connector and east jetty work (see below). 

Breakwater Connector & East Jetty (playground) Flooding:  The primary delay in starting this work is tied to the approval of the kayak launch ramp changes (see above). MVA stated that they continue to target starting work on 7/5/21 and completion by 11/1/21 before king tide season. Due to COVID restrictions and upcoming construction, the playground will remain closed. It is intended that all facilities would open at the end of construction targeted for November 2021.

Residential Housing and Muli-Use Building Construction: MVA continues to state that it is actively pursuing a potential sale with a highly qualified and reputable residential construction firm but that no other details are available due to confidentiality agreements. There are strong indications that escrow on this sale may close by mid-April. Any construction schedule is dependent on that sale and input from the new developer.

Boat Repair Facility: While the permits call for a replacement building approximately where the old boat repair building stood, it is not mandated that it provide the same functionality. The plans for this building are still undergoing BCDC review which has requested additional information. SHM stated that the actual use is unlikely to be solely a boat repair facility. Storage and other uses are under consideration. It was decided for purposes of this discussion to rename this building the “Marina Utility Building”.

Street Signage: The DPW has erected street signs on the signal poles at the Pt. San Pedro Road intersection with Loch Lomond Drive and Lochinvar which indicate both street names to the north and south. DPW has also agreed to mount Loch Lomond Drive signs on the poles in the medians approaching this intersection from east and west to add to the Lochinvar signs that are already there. This may take a month or two to accomplish.

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