Loch Lomond Marina Update

On Monday March 18, 2019, the Coalition’s Marina Committee (Committee) met with the S.R. Community Development Department (CDD) and S.R. Dept. of Public Works (DPW) for our regular monthly review of the developments at The Village at Loch Lomond Marina (aka “The Strand”). [NOTE: MVA below refers to Marina Village Associates, the owner and developer of this property.]

The public is encouraged to communicate with the Marina Committee using the Contact the Marina Committee form to raise any issues or concerns so that they may be brought to the City’s attention.

Fuel Dock: BCDC has re-confirmed that MVA has completed the necessary permit amendment request to BCDC for this facility. This project will be part of Permit Amendment #5 submitted by MVA that is currently under final review by BCDC. (See the information on the Flooding issue as well as the Boat Repair Facility below.)

Yacht Club Building: MVA submitted a re-design of the facade which Paul shared with the group at this meeting. It improves on the design presented at the previous meeting and CDD intends to approve it with a few caveats to align the design with the existing structure on the south side (facing the bay) and to add some treatment to the yacht club entrance.

Restaurant/Harbormaster’s Office: MVA still has not applied to renew this expired permit. CDD has stated that they will require MVA to submit this permit request before it will approve the yacht club building refacing design.

Flooding on Breakwater Connector & East Jetty (playground): MVS has submitted to BCDC a revised Permit Amendment #5 which deals with resolution to the flooding issues at these two locations which has already been approved by the City and plans for a fuel dock facility at the marina. BCDC has asked for a change in the kayak launch facility at the north end of the connector to narrow it from the proposed 20′ to 12′. The reason is to make it compatible with the slope restrictions in this area and ADA requirements.

Kayak Dock: The kayak dock (next to the existing boat ramps) redesign proposed by the City/yacht club/kayak group has been accepted by MVA. This is an ongoing discussion between the City and MVA and is tied to final approval of a re-design of the yacht club building facade. This will be included in the permit for the yacht club refacing design.

Boat Repair Facility & Mixed Use Building: CDD stated that the permits for these facilities is very near completion and acceptance. The demolition of the current Boat Repair Facility is tied up with this permit approval.

Completion of the Cove-to-Marina Path: The demolition of the boat repair building is a prerequisite to under-grounding the utilities on the power poles along the west side of the property as well as the construction of the pipeline between the planned fuel storage tank and the fuel dock. It also plays a role in the completion of the pedestrian access path between The Cove property and the marina since a power pole is in the way.

Pt. San Pedro Road: The construction of the emergency entrance/exit to The Strand near the old Andy’s Market entrance is complete. The Coalition has asked the City to provide some information on the plans and timing of the reconstruction of the medians that need to be shifted slightly westward to align with that entrance/exit. MVA told DPW that this work would be done after the surcharge dirt is removed from the old Andy’s Market area. The timing of that work is dependent on a soils engineer reporting that soil compaction has completed.

The Strand HOA Monument: The Strand is considering the creation of a monument at the entrance to The Strand at Pt. San Pedro Road. This work is still under early design, placement and cost evaluation.

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