Loch Lomond Marina Update

The monthly meeting of the Coalition’s Marina Committee (Committee) with the various agencies and entities involved in The Village at Loch Lomond Marina development was held by Zoom on Monday, July 18, 2022.

The following text references various Village owners, governmental agencies, companies and other entities, often by acronym. A detailed description of these entities can be found on The Village-Who’s Who page.

Following is a summary report on the items covered at this meeting:

Harbormaster’s Office: The original design plan for this building remains the one that is currently active and is out for bid for design and construction. SHM stated that bids that have been received came in higher than expected. Strong concern was again expressed that this design did not reflect the issues raised regarding the entrances to the restroom/laundry facilities being on the plaza side. SHM stated that the concerns expressed by this Oversight group and by BCDC would be forwarded to SHM’s construction team. At this time, no decision has been reached regarding any redesign. The lack of progress on this issue is very troublesome.

Yacht Club Refacing: The combining of the refacing of the yacht club building with the construction of the Harbormaster’s Office was raised as a concern given the delay on progress of that building. SHM said they were considering separation of these two projects, but no decision has been made.

Restroom Facilities: No public facilities were required in the permits for the marina boat launch ramp clients. Andy’s Market and the Loch Lomond Yacht Club have facilities for their users but not for the general public. SHM has been urged to resolve this oversight by providing facilities for their customers. They have stated that they are investigation solutions but have not yet presented one to this group.

Fuel Facility & Dock: SHM reiterated that the economic viability of this facility is not clear. However, it is important to keep this option open and to resolve all outstanding permit requirements with relevant agencies. BCDC has approved this facility but RWQCB and ACOE have yet to finalize their approval. SHM pledged to follow up to ensure that all these permit requirements are satisfied.

Residential Housing Construction: Trumark Homes stated that construction is going well and they continues to expect completion by March/April 2023. The first of the townhomes should start vertical construction in August. Some delays in materials such as copper wire, siding and windows have occurred. PG&E is requiring a specific stainless-steel transformer compatible with the salt-air environment which appears in short supply and is causing a delay in turning on power for the residences as they are built.

Breakwater Connector & East Jetty (playground) Flooding, Kayak Ramp at Connector: MVA reported that they have been working with S.R. DPW on the revised drawings on the uncovered elevation design issues regarding water flow under the planned boardwalk. MVA expects to review and get clearance from BCDC in the next week. The breakwater access remains closed to the public since some construction has started. MVA plans to use the materials on hand for the playground work to use in this revised breakwater connector plan. Meanwhile, the playground will continue to remain open until more material is received and construction begins there. MVA was reminded that underwater obstacles at the kayak launch ramp need to be removed.

Kayak Dock (between Yacht Club and Boat Launch Ramp): MVA stated that fabrication of the handrails for the dock is complete but Mid-Cal is still waiting for the dock floats. Primarily, the delayed delivery of the floats is the main reason for the delay in implementing this dock which should be implemented quickly once the floats arrive.

Mixed Use Building: MVA continues to search for a buyer for this parcel.

Loch Lomond Drive Parking/Traffic: There is a requirement for a parking study to commence a year after full construction completion to review the parking needs and requirements for the marina. It was agreed at the previous meeting that the required parking study be broadened to deal with all the parking needs and requirements of the Village, not just the marina-related parking. It was also a consensus that this study should be conducted under the auspices of a committee of the Village Association. This committee has not yet been formed but will be on the agenda for the next Village Association meeting.

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