Loch Lomond Marina Update

The Monday August 19, 2019 monthly meeting between the Coalition’s Marina Committee (Committee), the S.R. Community Development Department (CDD) and S.R. Dept. of Public Works (DPW) regarding developments at The Village at Loch Lomond Marina (aka “The Strand”) was cancelled by mutual consent of all parties.

The reason for cancellation was the lack of any measurable progress by Marina Village Associates (with the exception of the demolition of the old boat repair facility) as well as any change in status of the pending permit amendments in progress with BCDC. These permit amendments deal with resolution of flooding on the connector to the breakwater and on the jetty containing the playground (Permit Amendment #5) as well as implementation of the fuel dock replacement (Permit Amendment #7).

This lack of activity is very disappointing and it is hoped that it is only temporary. There is no indication from MVA that they are abandoning this project. However, there is also little to indicate their plans to move forward. The next monthly meeting will be held on Monday September 16, 2019.

The public is encouraged to communicate with the Marina Committee using the Contact the Marina Committee form to raise any issues or concerns so that they may be brought to the City’s attention.

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