Loch Lomond Marina Update

On Tuesday January 16, 2018, the Coalition’s Marina Committee (Committee) met with the S.R. Community Development Department (CDD), S.R. Park and Rec (P&R) and S.R. Dept. of Public Works (DPW) for our regular monthly review of the developments at The Village at Loch Lomond Marina (aka “The Strand”). The Bay Conservation & Development Commission (BCDC) was not in attendance. [NOTE: MVA below refers to Marina Village Associates, the owner and developer of this property]

The public is encouraged to communicate with the Marina Committee using the Contact the Marina Committee form to raise any issues or concerns so that they may be brought to the City’s attention.

The following items were discussed:

Construction Progress: No permits have yet been issued to MVA for the surcharging step in preparation for construction at the old Andy’s Market site (surcharging is the placement of a deep layer of soil to force compaction of the subsoil). That permit will also include plans to protect plants during construction, including oak trees in the wetland area and a large Canary Island palm near PSPR.

While permits were issued for the restaurant/harbormasters office building between Andy’s Market and the Yacht Club, no construction progress has been seen. CDD & DPW have pointed out to MVA that some progress, including construction site inspection, is required by mid-February 2018 or the existing permits could expire.

Fuel Dock: CDD has requested that MVA submit a permit amendment application to BCDC for the fuel storage facility and the fuel dock by the end of January 2018.

Yacht Club: The yacht club is continuing lease negotiations with MVA but progress is slow.

Crosswalk Visibility: The crosswalks on Loch Lomond Drive are painted gray and have no other visual markings or signage. They are very difficult to see from a vehicle. The Committee asked DPW to determine if any San Rafael city regulations regarding the visibility of pedestrian crosswalks apply here.

East Jetty (Playground) & Breakwater Connector Flooding: A revised plan was provided by MVA to DPW and CDD but they have determined that there are some deficits in the plan that must be corrected, including the slope to the kayak launch ramp. Upon final agreement, the plan would be presented to BCDC for review and approval before construction can begin. It is still hoped that this work might begin in Spring or early Summer 2018.

Kayak Dock: A revised plan for the kayak dock that will be adjacent to the boat launch ramp and in front of the yacht club has been developed cooperatively between the yacht club and P&R. There are some elements that need to be finalized and then presented to MVA for acceptance before it is presented to BCDC for approval.

Parking and Signage at the Hammerhead: The hammerhead is the paved area at the east end of the parking area and the beginning of the connector out to the breakwater. It has now been re-signed and curbs painted red to indicate the arms of the “Y” are for emergency use only. Unfortunately, flooding and mud are already obscuring the painted curbing. The middle parking area for 3 vehicles had been designated as 30-minute parking and intended for loading/unloading in support of the kayak launch ramp. However, that sign has been removed. It is unclear why.

Loch Lomond Drive/Lochinvar Road/Pt. San Pedro Road Intersection: The signal for that intersection has been reprogrammed and a broken in-road sensor wiring in the westbound lanes of Pt. San Pedro Road (PSPR) has been fixed. The controller senses approaching traffic on PSPR and gives priority to that traffic by extending the time the signal is green for PSPR up to a maximum time. If there is no waiting traffic on the cross street, the light remains green for PSPR traffic.

Pt. San Pedro Road Eastbound Right-side Curb: DPW has agreed that the curb should be painted red, indicating no parking allowed, for 40 feet leading up to the intersection with Loch Lomond Drive. The Committee asked DPW to accelerate their completion schedule if possible, as parked cars present westward sightline problems of incoming traffic for vehicles exiting The Strand.

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