Loch Lomond Marina Update

On Monday November 20, 2017, the Coalition’s Marina Committee (Committee) met with the S.R. Community Development Department (CDD), S.R. Park and Rec (P&R) and S.R. Dept. of Public Works (DPW) for our regular monthly review of the developments at The Village at Loch Lomond Marina (aka “The Strand”). The Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) did not attended. The public is encouraged to communicate with the Marina Committee using the Contact the Marina Committee form to raise any issues or concerns so that they may be brought to the City’s attention.

NOTE: MVA below refers to Marina Village Associates, the owner and developer of this property]

The following items were discussed:

Construction Progress: The demo of the old market was completed but the parking lot pavement has not yet been removed. No permits have yet be requested by MVA for the next step in this area (the importation of surcharge dirt). Also, no progress has been seen on the residential pads that have been poured for some time. Further, while permits were issued for the restaurant/harbormasters office building between Andy’s Market and the Yacht Club, no construction progress has been seen. CDD is perplexed as to why progress has been so slow and intends to meet with MVA in December to discuss this issue.

Fuel Dock: While MVA has committed to re-opening the fuel dock and has hired a firm to plan that process, no further progress has been reported and not permit amendment has been provided to BCDC as will be required. Further, a complexity has arisen. It appears that the fuel sales license issued by the State has been allowed to lapse. Until that license is renewed, no progress can be made. DPW intends to follow up with MVA to encourage progress on this issue.

Yacht Club: The yacht club is continuing lease negotiations with MVA. CDD and DPW have yet to hold a proposed meeting with the yacht club and MVA to discuss this situation as well as the issues surrounding the kayak dock (see below). CDD has agreed to write a letter to MVA detailing the uses and restrictions imposed by the permits on the yacht club building to encourage progress in these negotiations.

East Jetty (Playground) & Breakwater Connector Flooding: Issues surrounding the long-term sea level rise predictions have delayed BCDC approval of the MVA Permit amendment that is intended to resolve this issue. A core issue is whether S.R. is willing to accept responsibility for any long-term problems that might arise given the MVA proposal. CDD intended to discuss this issue with the City Attorney and respond to BCDC last month but that was delayed and is expected to occur over this next month.

Kayak Dock: The kayak dock planned for the area next to the boat launch ramps has raised several issues. P&R provided drawings showing a possible kayak launch/paddle board dock. The drawing shows an expanded footprint to enable paddle boarders. CDD indicated that this expanded use was not part of the original approved plan and permits.  A Committee member stated that any expansion would result in problems for the yacht club making it difficult for them to have reciprocal agreements with others clubs to berth their boats when they visit. These issues are still unresolved.

West Jetty Debris:  BCDC stated that they would have no problems with removal of debris as long as the debris isn’t providing support for infrastructure or its removal would cause erosion.  MVA has agreed that they will remove it.

Parking and Signage at the Hammerhead: The hammerhead is the paved area at the east end of the parking and the beginning of the connector out to the breakwater. It contains three “slots” forming a “W” and is intended for emergency vehicle use only. However, the only sign that is presently there implies public parking. CDD intends to ask the S.R. Fire Department to take the lead in re-signing this area as well as painting red curbing to emphasis its intended use.

Andy’s Local Market: Andy has submitted plans for exterior tables, a fire pit and a bicycle rack to BCDC. BCDC has not yet given approval. It appears to be tied up in the same permit amendment that includes the flooding resolution plans.

Loch Lomond Drive/Lochinvar Road/Pt. San Pedro Road Intersection: DPW has agreed to paint 40′ of the curb (eastbound leading up to the intersection) red to indicate no parking within that distance to the intersection. Signal timing at that intersection was operating incorrectly. It was determined that rodents had caused a short circuit. This in turn caused the pedestrian button to appear to be constantly pushed. The result was that the light constantly cycled green between the various directions whether there were cars or pedestrian present or not. That has been repaired. However, questions have been raised as to the appropriate timing of this signal and that greater preference should be given to Pt. San Pedro Road traffic over cross street traffic. DPW has agreed to investigate and report.

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