Drug Activity at Loch Lomond Marina

There have been recent postings on Nextdoor as well as observations by the Marina Committee of drug activity in the public areas of the Loch Lomond Marina. This has been noted at the playground spit in the form of discarded needles found there.

The co-chairs of the Coalition’s Marina Committee met today with Officer Lilah Gavlick of the S.R. Police Street Crime Task Force to discuss this issue. We reviewed the configuration of this area (the marina green, the spits and the breakwater), including the fact that, other than the parking areas, there is no lighting on the spits or breakwater.

You may not know this, but BCDC requires public parks in their jurisdiction (as is this park) to be open 24/7 unless there is strong evidence of public safety hazards that warrant a change in the policy. That evidence is often in the form of police reports and actions. Because it is open 24/7, the police cannot cite a person simply for being there after dark, but must observe some illegal activity. Officer Gavlick said that the Police Department would increase night-time patrols in this area over the next 3-4 weeks to discourage illegal activity.

The Coalition strongly urges anyone who witnesses or experiences illegal activity or evidence thereof to immediately call the S.R. Police and report it. For non-emergency events, call (415) 485-3000 and tell the dispatcher what you have observed. For emergencies, call 911, of course. If you don’t wish to be identified, that is OK. Just state that you want to remain anonymous. You don’t have to provide your name or contact number. If you want to be able to follow up or to forward information about your incident, you can ask the dispatcher for an Incident Report Number.

The Marina Committee also requests you let us know as well. You can use the Marina Committee Contact Form or send an email directly to the Marina Committee so we can also track this situation.

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