Loch Lomond Marina Update

On Monday July 16, 2018, the Coalition’s Marina Committee (Committee) met with the S.R. Community Development Department (CDD) and S.R. Dept. of Public Works (DPW) for our regular monthly review of the developments at The Village at Loch Lomond Marina (aka “The Strand”). The Bay Conservation & Development Commission (BCDC) was not in attendance. [NOTE: MVA below refers to Marina Village Associates, the owner and developer of this property]

The public is encouraged to communicate with the Marina Committee using the Contact the Marina Committee form to raise any issues or concerns so that they may be brought to the City’s attention.

Construction progress continues to be stalled with essentially no progress at all for several months. This is a major concern for the City agencies as well as our neighborhoods. Further, actions on many items related to BCDC are either stalled or hidden from the public. The CDD intends to request a meeting with the CEO of Woodridge Capital, the owner or MVA LLC, to discuss their plans and intentions regarding the resumption of construction. The Committee would be an attendee at that meeting to represent the public should it occur. Likewise, a meeting between BCDC, CDD and the Committee is intended to be scheduled for sometime within the next month to discuss those issues pertaining to BCDC.

At their July 2 meeting, the S.R. City Council took up the rate structure for the special tax district covering The Village at Loch Lomond Marina and an extension to December 2019 of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement which was about to expire. The rate for the tax district was set substantially lower than last year due to the fact that the infrastructure improvements are not fully completed and accepted. As a result, MVA continues to be fully responsible for these costs, not the tax district. For the same reason, the Subdivision Improvement Agreement was extended. This agreement, which covers the subdivision infrastructure work (roads, sewers, power, gas, electricity, etc.), is still awaiting completion of the flooding mitigation for the breakwater connector and the playground (this also is a BCDC issue).

In addition to the previous issues, the following items were discussed:

  • The permits for residential construction on the existing foundation pads next to the completed residences and across from the marina green have been activated. Inspection of the foundations was completed and MVA now has 180 days to make some progress in order for the permits to be further extended.
  • The permits for the construction of the harbormaster’s office/restaurant between Andy’s Market and the Loch Lomond Yacht Club have lapsed. MVA is now require to submit new permit applications, meet any new code requirements, and pay new fees for construction to commence.
  • The grading permit for the movement of the existing piles of dirt on the property to become surcharge on the old Andy’s Market and parking lot area has expired. A key reason is that the Regional Water Quality Review Board asked for additional sampling of the area that previously housed the dry cleaners. The City is awaiting the results and would extend these permits if the Water Quality Review Board results are acceptable.
  • Construction for the lots at the easternmost area next to the wetlands and across from the marina (currently covered with a mound of dirt) is required to begin by August 20, 2018 or the permits will expire. It is highly likely that they will expire since that pile of dirt is still there and won’t be moved until the grading permit (see previous item) is extended.
  • The permit for the refacing of the yacht club building will expire in August 2018 if the work has not begun by then. MVA has submitted an application to revise the original, approved building design and CDD has stated that they will state their opposition to such a revision should it go before the Design Review Board. If so, the current permits will likely expire.
  • Plans have been submitted by MVA for the boat repair facility and for the mixed-use building. Plan check review by relevant City agencies has been completed and comments returned to MVA. The City is now awaiting any revised plans based on these reviews and comments.
  • The application by MVA to erect a commercial sign for Andy’s Market and the other commercial businesses on the property has been approved, to be placed roughly where the exiting wood sign is now located on Pt. San Pedro Road approaching the Loch Lomond Drive intersection heading east. All that is now required is for MVA to submit a building and electrical permit request.
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