Loch Lomond Marina Update

On Monday August 21, 2017, the Coalition’s Marina Committee met with the S.R. Community Development Department (CDD) and S.R. Dept. of Public Works (DPW) for our regular monthly review of the developments at The Village at Loch Lomond Marina (aka “The Strand”). The Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) also participated by conference call. The public is encouraged to communicate with the Marina Committee using the Contact the Marina Committee form to raise any issues or concerns so that they may be brought to the City’s attention.

NOTE: MVA below refers to Marina Village Associates, the owner and developer of this property]

The following items were discussed:

Mello-Roos Tax District Formation: As part of the permit process for this development, the City of San Rafael mandated the formation of a special tax district (Mello-Roos District) encompassing all the residential and commercial sites within this development. The taxes collected are to be used for the maintenance and upkeep of all public, common facilities within the development (streets, utility infrastructure, marina green and boardwalk, all jetties and breakwater areas). All Strand residences are taxed the same amount irrespective of size and each Village at Loch Lomond Marina commercial establishment is taxed based on size. The below market residences are exempt from this tax. This past month, the City Council approved the formation of this tax district and directed the tax assessor to determine the amounts to be levied and begin assessing that tax by year-end.

City Website: The City recently updated its website page on this project.

Fuel Dock – MVA has hired a specialty firm to develop plans for the fuel dock. The design is anticipated to be ready to be submitted for permit approval by October 1. MVA is moving forward with the Boat Repair building and fuel station. The latter, of course, is a necessary precursor for the fuel dock.

East Jetty (Playground) & Breakwater Connector Flooding: MVA submitted Permit Amendment #5 to BCDC with proposals to resolved these issues. BCDC rejected that amendment stating that it was incomplete, and MVA will resubmit with corrections to the identified deficits. The general solution for the East Jetty (playground) is to raise the banks to minimize high tide and surge flooding. The general solution for the connector to the breakwater is to build a roughly 100’ raised boardwalk between raised areas at each end. Some of the picnic tables would be relocated to upland ground as would the fish cleaning station.

Kayak Launch and Kayak Dock: A kayak launch ramp is planned at the beginning of the connector to the breakwater, and a kayak dock is planned between the yacht club building and the boat launch ramps. Both facilities are mandated by the city building permits but need changes from the original plans (the launch ramp due to flooding changes and the dock due to ADA requirements and potential blockage of the Yacht club pier). Those changes have not yet been finalized.

Andy’s Local Market: An unfinished portion of plans for Andy’s Market includes outdoor seating in the area adjacent to Andy’s facing the Yacht Club. However, a liquor license must be obtained before any decisions can be made regarding use of the outdoor table area. A nighttime light assessment was completed for the market and found to be within the lighting specifications with the exception of one mercury vapor light above the loading dock bay. Rectification of this light is under consideration.

Old Market Site: Asbestos mitigation work is being done. When that is complete, the building will be removed. All movement of dirt to create the surcharge layer for compressing the subsoil (as was done to the rest of the property prior to construction) is intended to be done within the site rather than using Pt. San Pedro Road. It is expected that the surcharge layer will need to be in place for 6 months or more before it can be graded and construction can begin.

Commercial Signage on Pt. San Pedro Road: Andy’s Market has asked for signage to be placed on Pt. San Pedro Road to identify the commercial facilities within the property. The City has stated that if signage is proposed and approved, it must accommodate all commercial entities, not just Andy’s Market. The potential location and design of such signage is still under review.

Turn Lane on Pt. San Pedro Road: There was some discussion on traffic issues with eastbound vehicles making a right turn into the development at Loch Lomond Drive. At this time, there is no painted curb to prohibit parked vehicles right up to that turn nor any accommodation for a turn lane or shared vehicle/bike lane there. The S.R. Public Works Department is going to look into that issue and determine what, if any, traffic mitigation solutions are warranted.

Public Restroom Access: Some visitors to the public areas (marina green, boardwalk, playground and breakwater) have stated that the public restrooms there have been locked during daylight hours. The City was asked to investigate and correct any deficiencies. The restrooms are to be open for use from sunup to sundown and locked during the night. (NOTE: The Public Works Department has the keys to the timers at these facilities that automatically lock and unlock them. Subsequent to the meeting, the timers were inspected and set to unlock at 7am and lock at 8pm.)

Picket Fencing: The picket fencing surrounding the residential properties was constructed with inferior material that does not meet the design specifications. This issue was brought to the attention of the City who discussed it with MVA. MVA is planning to replace all substandard fencing.

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