Loch Lomond Marina Update

On Monday August 15, 2016, the Coalition’s Marina Committee met with the S.R. Community Development Department and S.R. Dept. of Public Works (DPW) for our regular monthly review of the developments at The Village at Loch Lomond Marina. The public is encouraged to communicate with the Marina Committee using the Contact the Marina Committee form to raise any issues or concerns so that they may be brought to the City’s attention.

The following items were discussed:

Yacht Club: The City has received revised plans for updating the facade of the Yacht Club building to match the new surrounding buildings, and they are being reviewed by various departments. The developer is asking for this work to be phased after all other construction is completed and the City is considering this request and what conditions might be imposed as a result of granting it.

Eastern Connection Between Parking and Breakwater: The Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) has become actively involved in the issue of the frequent flooding of this area at high tide (called “overtopping”) and have included it in a recent Notice of Violations to the developer. A copy has been provided to the Committee and we are monitoring it.

Public Access to Central Spit Playground: The Committee noted that the BCDC permits require that this area be available to the  public by March 2016, yet it continues to be fenced off. BCDC included this in their Notice of Violations and has requested the developer to comply.

Western Spit: The Committee pointed out that there continues to be debris (pipes, rebar, etc.) along the water edge of this spit facing the neighboring San Pedro Cove HOA that was to have been removed by the developer. The City put this item on their “punch list” with the developer. In addition, the Committee noted that the fencing that had been placed on this spit is an impediment to the views of the Bay and surrounding area, especially near the outer point of the spit. The City agreed and has asked the developer to remove that portion of the fence. Since it was included in the approved permit, the City cannot force that action. However, the developer has stated that it is willing to remove that fencing if doing so does not violate any BCDC or City mandate. That is currently being investigated.

Special Taxing District: This project includes the establishment of a special taxing district (called a Community Facility District or CFD). The CFD will be imposing a special property tax item to be collected from all residential and commercial entities within this development and will manage expenditures to maintain all public facilities within it. That would include the roads, parking, boardwalk, marina green, spits, breakwater, etc. Various City agencies are working to develop the specifications and regulations of the CFD and procedures for the City to monitor it. The Committee will be reviewing those specifications to ensure that the public-access areas and facilities will be properly managed and maintained in the future.

Pt. San Pedro Road and Lochinvar Road Repaving: Planning continues to ensure that this repaving is properly planned and conducted at the appropriate time. To be included in this planning are: the initial block of Lochinvar, the Lochinvar/Bonnie Banks intersection; the Pt. San Pedro Road/Lochinvar Road/Loch Lomond Drive intersection; and the roadway from that intersection going east to the farthest point of that construction impact (roughly to the entrance to Andy’s Market). More details will be provided when they are available. The status of the signal light at this major intersection was also discussed. The recent trenching by PG&E severed the in-road sensor by necessity, and as a result the signal has been placed temporarily on a fixed timer. This will be returned to a traffic-sensor-controlled mechanism as part of the Lochinvar Road repaving project.

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