Coalition Email to County on Lane Reduction on 2/7/22

Dan Dawson, Prinicpal Transportation Planner
Marin County Dept. of Public Works

Dear Dan,

The Point San Pedro Road Coalition very much appreciates that some of the issues we raised in our January 12, 2022 letter were addressed in the information posted by the County on the Point San Pedro Roadway Modification Pilot Project webpage.  However, after we submitted our January 12 letter, we learned that the decision to go forward with the pilot was based on traffic counts obtained on only two days almost 8 years ago. 
We believe that thorough traffic counts and an engineering study to assess the safety of the Roadway Modification project should be conducted to address speeding on the stretch between Loch Lomond Drive and Riviera and safety issues, especially  where side streets intersect with PSPR.  We request your asistance in providing the following information to the Coalition.

  • Some more details about the studies that are planned and how they will be assessed. 
  •  How many weeks of traffic counts do you anticipate will be conducted?
  • Specifics about noise studies to be conducted to ensure the efficacy of the existing noise mitigating open grated asphalt is not diminished by the Pavement Sealing that is planned.
  • It would be helpful for us to have more clear and detailed criteria for success of the trial before proceeding with the project.  How will the criteria be established and evaluated?

We look forward to your responses to these questions.

Kevin Hagerty
Chairman, Roadway Committee
Point San Pedro Road Coalition

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