Damon Connolly 4/15/2022 Response Regarding Lane Reduction Pilot

Following is the Coalition’s reply to Damon Connolly, Marin County District 1 Supervisor, regarding his reply to the Coalition on the suspension of the lane reduction pilot. Below that email is the email from Damon Connolly to the Coalition on this subject. There was, also, an article in the Marin Independent Journal on this matter.

Thanks for your communication on the status of the Point San Pedro Road Lane Reduction Pilot Program and your proposal for a community-centric approach in moving forward in resolving both the parking and bicycle/pedestrian safety issues. The Point San Pedro Road Coalition remains committed to working closely with the County and the City of San Rafael Public Works Departments to achieve a solution that is acceptable to our community and to all parties involved.

Kevin Hagerty, Chairman
Roadway Committee
Point San Pedro Coalition

On Friday, April 15, 2022, 10:39:02 AM PDT, Connolly, Damon <dconnolly@marincounty.org> wrote:

Dear Pt. San Pedro Road Coalition,

Thank you for your interest and voice on the Point San Pedro Road Modification Project. I appreciated seeing many of you at the March 30, community meeting. I wanted to give you an update on the status of the project. Based on community feedback and further consultation with the City of San Rafael, the project is now on hold.

The County of Marin, in partnership with the City of San Rafael has been exploring a multi-benefit approach to pilot a one lane reduction and installation of a buffered bike lane along Point San Pedro Road between Loch Lomond and Peacock Gap. 

The Bay Conservation and Development Commission’s decision to enforce a 1971 permit requirement for a bike lane along the frontage of Bayside Park has prompted a broader look at the roadway.

Following the March 30 community meeting, the City of San Rafael presented alternatives to the proposed pilot and requested the County to consider these options. We want to ensure we are working with the City and the community to understand all options and address the BCDC permit requirement, promote roadway safety, and identify solutions that work for all roadway users.

The County is putting the project on hold to jointly evaluate options along the roadway with the City of San Rafael and community members. A successful solution requires a strong City County partnership, community support, and sound policy. I believe we must evaluate the viability of all options presented with the City of San Rafael and community members before identifying our next steps.

The County will be conducting a parking study of the area surrounding Bayside Park to better understand what options are available to address the BCDC requirements while we take a more comprehensive look at the roadway. One issue we will have to address are fines.

I remain committed to working with the community and the City of San Rafael to bring forward the best possible proposal. The Point San Pedro Road Modification Pilot Project is on pause as we consider these alternatives and create space for additional community engagement.

I will be holding another community meeting to hear from community members when more information is available.

Please feel free to reach out to my office anytime.

Damon Connolly
Supervisor District 1, Marin County Board of Supervisors
3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 329, San Rafael, CA  94903
Direct Tel: (415) 473-7331

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