Removal of Myoporum Shrubs on Pt. San Pedro Road

There has been some removal of this shrub along Pt. San Pedro Road and, apparently, there will be more. Residents have asked for the reason. The Roadway Committee requested an explanation and the following is a communication we have received from Dave Davenport (Parks Superintendent, S.R. Public Works Department):

“The City of San Rafael has  been slowly removing Myoporum shrubs over the past couple of years along Pt. San Pedro Rd.  As is the situation all over the state, the Myoporum have been succumbing to the Myoporum thrip which was introduced to California about 5 years ago.  There is no practical cure for this insect and the plants eventually die from this infestation.  Our Fire Dept. asked last year that we remove the plants that are completely dead due to potential fire hazard.  We have no plans to completely remove all of the plants in one operation. Rather, we plan on removing them only after they are completely dead.  All of the plants in question are between Manderly Dr. and Bayview Dr. which I’m assuming is all within the Loch Lomond Association Neighborhood.  They were informed at their meeting last week that the work would be done over time. As far as replanting,  there being no water available, it would be very difficult if not impossible to establish new plants, especially in this drought.  Most of the plants are growing in areas with other vegetation that will continue to provide screening. “

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