Update on the Third and Hetherton Intersection

The City of San Rafael Public Works Department staff has reassessed their position of removing the west bound left turn lane from Third Street onto Hetheron Street and are now recommending that the left turn lane be preserved and that the existing crosswalk on the south side of the intersection be removed and that a new crosswalk be installed on the east side of the intersection where one does not currently exist.

The Point San Pedro Coalition has been providing input to City staff on this issue fro the past year. Our position has been that the left turn lane should not be removed. Also, as a result of comments he received at the Coalition’s Annual Community Meeting in November, City Mayor Gary Phillips agreed to ask staff to re-evaluate their earlier announced plans and address public concerns regarding the original proposal for the Third and Hetherton Intersection.

The Public Works Department is planning to brief the City Council on their current recommendation at the next City Council meeting on Monday December 17, 2918. The full text of the Public Works Department Staff Reportto the San Rafael City Council provides the details of their current recommendation.

The Point San Pedro Road Coalition’s Roadway Committee will continue to monitor this situation and report back to the community updates on this project.

Kevin Hagerty
Chairman, Roadway Committee
Point San Pedro Road Coalition

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